NTFS is the modern standard in most Windows devices. If you use a variety of external storage media and USB drives, your data might be organized under different file systems.

Simply analyzing the hard disk to determine its health and data distribution can be considered a part of disk repair too, as they help you decide how to best approach the problem. Some tools focus just on fixing the MBR, which can help you if your drive just isnât booting. Occasionally this problem affects the Master Boot Record itself, preventing the OS from booting at all.Äisk repair, therefore, primarily involves fixing bad sectors and recovering data from them. This can show the drive as empty even though it is not. Sometimes the file system table gets corrupted. Normally, the OS should remap the data to a new sector, but it does not always work, leading to data loss. When a hard disk starts malfunctioning, it rarely goes kaput all at once.